Risk Management

We combine the art of extensive real world risk management experience with the science of quantitative analysis for top-down prioritization of business objectives and optimization of risk-adjusted returns of the Enterprise, all in a coherent and regulatory-compliant fashion.


Your on-demand expected loss model

Supported Institutions

Community Bank

Regional Bank

Large Bank (Cat IV and above)

Fintech or Non-bank Lender

Brokerage / Research Firm

Credit Union (Coming soon)

ARC ELM Applications

Generate my CECL-compliant ACL

Benchmark an existing model for validation

Conduct a credit stress test

Compare my institution to peers

Create qualitative adjustment factors

Support loss forecasts and scaling


The first cloud-based, on-demand, CECL compliant credit loss estimation solution with multiple economic scenario weightings and user-defined peer group selections.  See your estimated expected losses next to peers – instantly!

Harness the power of ARC expertise

Risk Analytics

Simplified CECL solutions for non-complex banks. CECL to DFAST integration problems. Advanced portfolio risk threat assessments.

Risk Governance

Monitor Risk Appetite compliance. Business Intelligence for board communication. Link risk to return to inform strategy.

Regulatory Compliance

Remediate DFAST/CCAR MRAs. Integrate Stress Testing with BAU. Benchmark model performance.